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Short Course - Introduction to Research (GS 5020)



Inaugural Lecture Series - 33rd Inaugural Lecture (Prof. Narein Perera)



Short Course - Introduction to Research



Inaugural Lecture Series - 31st Inaugural Lecture (Prof. K.G.A.S. Waidyasekara)



Inaugural Lecture Series - 30th Inaugural Lecture (Prof. Niles Perera)



Research Lounge #23: "The Path to Research Commercialization: Exploring Technology Licensing and Startups"



Inaugural Lecture Series - 29th Inaugural Lecture (Prof. H. R. Pasindu)



Inaugural Lecture Series - 29th Inaugural Lecture (Prof. H. R. Pasindu)



Inaugural Lecture Series - 28th Inaugural Lecture


MSc Students


MPhil Students


PhD Students


Already Awarded

“BOLGODA PLAINS” is to give a voice to the University of Moratuwa Researcher. Our eco-system spans 6 faculties with 35 departments and 9 centers. Communicating and dissemination are key ingredients of any research endeavor. The goal of the magazine would pursue is in realizing the impact the society expects.

Bolgoda Plains Research Magazine
Research Lounge

Research Lounge is a Meeting Space where in-depth discussions will take place among resource person/s and students. Students will have opportunities to get knowledgeable advice, consult and feedback when they discuss their issues and concerns.

Lighthouse Talk

With every research experience you will gain new skills to do your research activities, learn more about the different types of environments you enjoy being in, further explore their strengths and interests, and test out your motivation to further study in a field or discipline.

Lighthouse talk provide opportunity to listen to a wide range of research experties.

Inaugural Lecture Series

An inaugural lecture highlights unique contributions of a newly promoted Professors on their field, and also draws attention to the fact that they have developed others as researchers while doing so. The lecture in a specialized area and widely accessible, so that it will get the attention, not only of others working in general area of interest, but also that of the wider public.


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